Student Leaders


Student Leaders

 We believe we meet the campus and the world at it's greatest need, the need to know God and be changed by Him. There is no greater undertaking than this. In fact, it is why we were created.

So will you serve and be a part of changing the world by impacting the people around you? By becoming a part of the TechBSM servant team, your presence will play a vital role in changing people's lives. It won't always be easy, but who wants to do the easy thing? 

join our tech bsm ministry SERVANT TEAM for 2024-2025

What is it? This team exists to serve each other. Yes, there is leadership involved, but we must remember that leadership does not begin with title or position, it begins the moment you are more concerned about others’ flourishing than your own (Andy Crouch). 

Who? You need to ask yourself, “Why not me?” & “Why not now?” 

When? The team we are putting together will serve for the 2024/25. Students may join and serve at any time.

Where do we serve? We exist for the campus of Texas Tech University! However, we believe if you REACH RAIDERS, you REACH the WORLD!

Why? To be and do what you were created and called to do, which is be a part of God's mission in the world! 


Ways to serve

Areas to serve vary greatly and will continue to increase based upon an individual’s gifts and what he/she wants to see happen on the campus through the BSM.

Here are a few potential areas in which to serve: outreach, on campus events, International students, prayer, missions, small group leader, hospitality, freshmen small groups, church/local ministries, worship, free lunches.  


how to join team

There are only 3 steps to the process.

  1. Pray and think about where you would like to serve.

  2. Complete ONLINE FORM.

  3. Sign up for a small group discussion time before or after Wednesday Nights at BSM. Other times are available if needed.

  4. Mark your calendar for a EVERYONE TOGETHER dinner on Friday, April 19. This is where we will discuss further our commitment to each other and the campus.


Our hope for you being a part of TechBSM servant team is that you will become more like Jesus. We believe that as you begin to serve in a specific area, your eyes will be opened to the needs around you as you go about your everyday life.

For More Info or questions email Jeff Kennon at